Dellwyn Cunningham
Here are some samples from a few books illustrated by Dellwyn Cunningham. Represented are: The Blowaway Hat 1946, What Am I? I'm A Churkendoose! 1946, and Fuzzy Friends in Mother Goose 1952. If you want to see more click on over to my flickr page.
(click on images for larger view)
These are great images... I especially like the 3rd one down with the wily fox chasing the ducks (or are they geese).
Thanks for sharing.
thank yoU very much for this! fantastic! I really Love the last picture, what a cuTie, that darLing boy is so adorabLe look at th0se red cheeks and bangs and thick eyeLashes... and my what a cute piggie with such curLing taiL and that long sn0ut!!!
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